International Women’s Day

Shining a spotlight on brilliant thinkers.

Your mind is your most essential tool as a knowledge worker. You can improve your use of this tool by studying how brilliant thinkers conduct research, connect ideas, solve problems, and make decisions.

Using the knowledge gained by previous thinkers is also one of the fastest ways to make intellectual progress. To “stand on the shoulders of giants” is to upload these brilliant thinkers’ understanding to your mind, build on top of it, share your new insights, and keep on fostering our collective intelligence.

This series of portraits from Ness Labs explores the thought processes, working habits, and decision-making principles applied by brilliant thinkers who profoundly impacted the world with their discoveries and how they challenged the status quo.

Expand your design knowledge and increase your impact.

For curious minds, self-learners, and lifelong explorers who want to understand design principles, design-thinking frameworks, and human psychology behind product decisions.

Join us as we learn, share, and grow together.

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